Remember when Lt. Kennedy spoke to us at the beginning of the year? Well she is now in Iraq and here is an email that she sent to Mrs. Kennedy, her mom. After you read this, what are some questions you have of her? I plan on taking your questions and sending them to her.
Hey mom-
I just got internet in my room- yeah I know- living the rough life. i have not located a phone yet in my area that will let me call you for less than 50 dollars a minute, but I'm still working on it. Just started working with my counterpart from the unit that we are replacing, trying to figure out all the final plans before my soldiers get up here. I was really flattered today because one of my newer soldiers wants me to reenlist him when he comes up- pretty cool.
I have to say- its pretty surreal being here- its kind of like i"m in a documentary- it seems as if the army has happened to send me to be in the nicest place they could in Iraq. Can you say 15mins away from Saddam's Palace complex, living in a trailer with an air conditioner and internet access and a dining facility in which I was able to get curry for dinner? And I haven't even headed up to division headquarters yet- haha. This is the best army living I've ever had- I mean there are obvious signs of war around, and it is definitely not anywhere, U.S.A. I stood on a hill overlooking the entire city of baghdad yesterday- everything looked so peaceful on first glance...and
then you look a little closer and see some fires burning and hear some
gunfire- drive by gorgeous palaces that look like they should be amongst those you'd see in europe where you'd pay 20 bucks for admission, and then you look closer and see the soldiers standing out front on guard, all the windows covered by sandbags like you would have seen in a world war II film. They have a PX and stuff- I haven't gone to it yet because its a two mile walk away, I don't really need anything, and I hear the lines are ridiculous. But the experience so far has been completely and totally eye opening, with only promises of it getting more so. I hope I;ll be able to explain it with justice.
I did just get a new address but I have to verify one part- I'll send it to you once I have it completely down.
Dear Lt. Kennedy is Iraq as discusting and as dangerous as they say it is.I here alot of things in the news about it and even saw some clippings of it and I would still really like to know what it's all about.
Dear Lt. Kennedy,
Why is it that the news people are saying that Iraq is so bad, and gross, and then you're there with internet, and air conditioning, and stuff?
Just wondering,
becaise it's confusing.
Hello Lt. Kennedy!
I was wondering how long you were going to be there.
Hello Lt Kennedy I hope you are doing well. I hope you come back home soon. How is Iraq doing ? Hope we see you again
PS hope its not to hot
Dear Lt. Kennedy,
Were you scared when you first went to Iraq?, Or were you nervous? That is my question.
Hey Lt. Kennedy, I was just wondering if you have really gotten to see some firearms at action and done some shooting yourself.
- Aardvark™
Dear Lt. Kennedy,
I wanted to know if Iraq is anywhere close to the way you thought it would be? Also, how long are you going to be overseas?
Dear Lt. Kennedy,
Do you ever hear explosives that scare you because they sound close. When are you going to be back? Is Iraq really messed up and gross?
Dear lt. Kennedy
That's a good thing that your place isn't that bad and you have finally have internet acess. Is it very warm there? Your gonna get a great tan. I hope you are having fun adn doing well
-Haley =]
I was wondering if it's hot there or if it's kind of like here? Also what are some of the grossest foods that they have there.
Is it scary there?
Dear Lt. Kennedy
Are you still happy with your decisions to join the army? I couldn't imagine it, I think it'd be gross.
Dear Lt. Kennedy,
Why do you have to pay 50 dollars a minute? That is insane, I would say that it should be at least an hour for a price like that. With all the things your gonna be doing there and all the things you have been doing there, do you regret going now or do you think you can't regret fighting and saving your country? Are you even scared? Since your going to be fighting in the war, I know i would be!
Let god be with you! †
Hello Lt. Kennedy!
I have a question, as if its not obvious(: Have you ever been hurt in combat?
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