OKAY, NOW THAT WE ARE FINISHING UP OUR FREE-VERSE POETRY UNIT, I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: (Make sure you attach your first name--not your last-- with your answer)
1. What did you do well?
2. What would you work on for next time?
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
1. What did you do well?
2. What would you work on for next time?
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
1. What did you do well?
Changing it from story form to poem form.
2. What would you work on for next time?
Making it longer maybe.
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
I liked writing what ever we wanted to do it on and next time you let us do that again.
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I would change some of the topics I write about sometimes.
P.S. That was Ashley Block C
Here comes my cricicism!
I would have to say I really enjoyed this free verse unit. The poems were fun to write and the ideas came very easily to me. It was MUCH easier to write something that didn't have to rhyme than something that had to rhyme. I loved being able to say what I wanted to say in my poem.
1. What did you do well?
I think I did well on making it sound like a poem more than a story. Ciara Brown said I had a very good poem [: thanks Ciara!
2. What would you work on for next time?
Well.. i honestly don't know what i should work on for next time. I am very satisfied with my poem
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again? I liked doing the I remembers the best. I would like to work on poems again. Free-verse is my favorite (:
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I really liked this unit. I don't know what i would change. I liked all of the activities we did. I liked that we had a few days to write a next draft. And I learned a lot. I have learned about free-verse every year so far so i don't really need to learn more.
- Nicole block C
Ahh.... man, more questions? I don't enjoy free verse poetry as much as other types of poetry. Given another chance to do it again I would change my topic. I wrote my poem at 3:00 on a Sunday morning so it wasn't exactly clear what I was trying to accomplish. Not that I was trying to accomplish anything but it wasn't clear what I was trying to say. Not many students take interest in The Irony Of The World. well, none that I know at least.
block c
Overall i enjoyed the poetry unit. One thing i really feel I've done well on is cutting down the whole story to just a poem. The lesson I liked the most was how we got to write a story before we wrote a poem. I wouldn't change anything because overall I've done the best work i can and feel i used class time wisely. I really enjoyed doing poetry on what we want and doing free verse poetry. I hope we can do that again.
Block C
1. One thing i think i did well on was breaking it up into lines. Also i think i did well on making a visual picture in the readers mind.
2. One thing i should work on next time is "cutting to the bone". My poem is kind of long, and i think i have a few extra words that i don't need.
3. The lesson that i liked the best was the cutting to the bone lesson. i likes this lesson because it was really fun, going through and taking out words, and seeing if i still made sense. Something i would want to do again is write another free verse poem, and breaking it into lines and stanzas, because i thought it was really fun!
4. I wouldn't change anything. One thing i would like to learn more about is, how to brainstorm things to write about. I always get stuck, not knowing what to write about. It's like, i have a lot of memories, but when it comes down to writing them on paper, my mind completely goes blank!
Block C
Oops! I meant to say "Here comes my CRITICISM," Not my "cricicism!"
I think mine still sounds like a story.
Not so much like a story.
I did like writing free verce and also doing what I wanted.
how to do lines and standzas also leads.
By Angelea
1. I thought I picked my poem topic really good and got to the good stuff in it right away.
2. Next time I would work on adding more detail.
3. I liked doing the heart memory thing, I thought that it was really cool and would like to do it again.
4. I would like to change my title, and I want to learn more about how to add more detail.
that was mike block c
1. I do good at my class work and my quizs.
2. im going to do my spelling units on time and and do my best of under standing of what i have to do in the class.
3. I like mking are own poems its fun and enjoying to do and also really funny.
4. I would like to learn more about the Authors of some of best poems in the world. that would be fun.
1. What did you do well?
um, wrote it? :D
2. What would you work on for next time?
make it longer..
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
I liked when you taught us to revise it. I would like to do this whole lesson again, just with rhyming poetry.
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I don't think that I'd change anything. + there's nothing really that I would want to learn more about.
This is Krysteana(: hi...
1.What did you do well?
Taking the story i had written and making it into a short poem.
2. What would you work on for next time?
Maybe being a little more creative with making a title.
3. What lessons did you like the best?
I liked being able to free write for a while. It made it a lot eisier for me to finish my poem.
what would you change?
um i think i would change the different styles of poetry we do and the different amount of time we work on them.
1.On writing about my past that is really hard for me.
2.Making it a little bit shorter.
3.When we had to think of a topic.The next time I would want to change the beginning so my poem would be a tad different.
4.I would change my topic it is stupid no one wants to know about my past.I would like to learn about how many family's in Maine are like mine.
By: Mellanie
1. What did I do well.
Writing it.
2. What would you work on for next time. Spelling.
3.What Lessons did you like the best. What would you want to learn more about. Types of poerty.
4.What would you change? nothing.
Amanda Brown.
I did good in the cutting to the bone part. I would like to have a better topic with more details so I will have more to write about. I liked the cutting to the bone. I wouldn't mind to do it again.
1.i wrote 5t like it is a real poem
2.i would have changed it to make it a little long
3.i liked that i could pick the topic
4.i would change it to make it more intresting
rob libby
Mr hand I really enjoyed this unit. I really enjoyed the blog because you taught something in a way that we kids like to do.
1. What did you do well?
I did well describing what happened in my poem with details.
2. What would you work on for next time?
Better, More Sophisticated words.
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
I liked the kite activity, we could
use our creativity and have a long period of time to do it in.
I'd want to do that again.
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I would change simple words with better ones, and add animation.
I want to learn more about the different ways to say words.
Ex: Cave; Caverns measureless to man.
- Aardvark™
1. What did you do well?
2. What would you work on for next time?
maybe making more sense.
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
i like being able to choose to write about what ever we want.
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I would probably try to make more sense when I write.
-Rockin' Ducky (bryn)
1. What did you do well?
I did well on revising and wrote my poem
2. What would you work on for next time?
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
um,hmm,i dont know all of them:]
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
just really better punctuation
Ex: Cave; Caverns measureless to man.
1. What did you do well?
I think that I did a good Job deleting the not needed details.
2. What would you work on for next time?
I would like to make it more detailed.
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
I like that we could right about anything. I would want to do it whenever we could.
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I would like to write about different topics.
Meaghan Kirby
1. What did you do well?
I think I did good at the detailing
2. What would you work on for next time?
Make it shorter
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
write another poem
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
change the topic
katty (katrina) said...
what did i do well? hmmm...when I was thinking of what to say in my poem, the words just came to me. it was steady and i had no "writer's block" throughout the whole poem.next time i would work on focusing on one subject. i liked when we worked on cutting our poems down. i dont think id change anything on this subject, i liked pretty much everything! i think you covered almost everything on this subject.
stephy said...
hey again it's stephy. The thing that i think i did well in my poem was the details in the poetry and the way i told the free verse poem. another thing that i think i did well was the subject it might be funny to other people but babysitting my sisters is so funny and an experience to remember. That was not the last time i watched my sisters but, the last time i watched them alone.
I would work on the way i set up my poem and the topic. next time i would choose something funny even though the one i did was funny. i would also work on the editing on the first draft poem so the final draft would not be a problem to edit.
the lesson that i liked was the cut to the bone because after you got rid of the things you did not really need the poem sounded a lot better than when it had all of the other words that may not of made sense.
the thing that i would change would be the clutter of words in the poem out. i would also change the amount of details. i would put more details in and cut to the bone more.
i would like to now more about free verse poetry in general, just about the people who write it.
MAKENZIE said...
I believe that I did well on Thinking of words to say.
I beleive that I should work on More details.
I liked sharing poems as a class amd choosing which one was which.
I would like more time talking about our personal poems with You (Mr. Hand)
1.The heart
2.Brain storming more
3.Writing a true story and that you let us do it again.
4.Not having to read it out loud.
Haley P. Block E
1.I thought that I did really good on my poem and it was deep. [Which you told me] :]
2. I really don't know because I really like it.
3. I liked it when you explained the brakes because when I used it, it made my piece more real. I would really like to do more free verses.
4. I would change the topic that I wrote about. I would like to learn how to make my piece jump out and make it more real.
I did well on not using to much adjective.
I need help on when the right time to break the lines.
I like poetry because im ok at it.
I want to change how we have a group talk.
I want to learn how to get better in poetry.
1. What did you do well?
I think that I had some good vocabulary.
2. What would you work on for next time? length of my poem.
3. What lessons did you like the best? What would you want to do again?
Thinking up experiences and relating to them. That was fun and it would be fun to do again.
4. What would you change? What would you want to learn more about?
I probably would have changed the subject of my poem. I would like to learn how to extend a poem's length without making it really boring.
- chris
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