I think I need to preface my answers to these questions with something-
1). THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL THINGS YOU SENT US! I honestly set the boxes down in the middle of the two places that I work, and all the goods were gone within about twenty minutes. People were playing Frisbee, claiming the Suduko books, and grabbing the Ramen before anyone could say BOO. We’re going to write up something a little nicer for you guys- but just wanted to let you know that it was awesome and we really appreciate it.
1. What is your favorite local food?
I really like these potato pancakes they make at the dining facility.
2. How many palaces are in the area?
There are quite a few- to include the Perfume Palace, and a whole bunch of guest palaces along the lake- I’ll have to ask on this one.
3. What will you do for Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving was pretty awesome for over here. The dining facility went all out in trying to get us all our favorite foods- the Sweet Potatoes were personally my favorite. But we had Turkey, Ham, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce…the works! And the best part was that all of it was served to us by either Colonels or Pocahontas! We had to work pretty much the same as we would have any other day, but it was a nice break all the same.
4. Have you ever been in a combat situation? Does the Army still keep women out of combat situations if they can?
No I have never been directly shot at, and yes, the Army, to a certain extent, keeps women out of positions that are part of the combat arms units. We can’t be in Infantry, Combat Engineers or Armor(tanks) battalions or lower.
5. Do you enjoy being there?
For me, it is not horrible being over here. The most difficult part is being separated from family and friends, and not being able to travel. Otherwise, I’ve got a gym, three pretty sweet meals a day, libraries of free books at my disposal 24-7, and I get to sleep on a mattress. You can’t ask for much more.
6. Are you still allowed to use water boarding as an interrogation technique?
That is complete and total no- and if you hear about anyone doing it, run for the hills. Haha! Interrogation techniques are extremely monitored by the leadership levels that the Army terms “echelons above God,” and do not involve any torture techniques at all. Interrogators are continually monitored and evaluated with spot checks from all different levels of command.
7. What are the limits to interrogating prisoners? How do you know that your soldiers aren’t breaking any of the rules of interrogation?
There are a tremendous amount of limits, so I think it would probably be easier to tell you what we can do, as opposed to what we can’t. We can talk to a detainee using some special techniques, and we can use prison incentives (cigarettes, extra blankets, special food) to get them to talk to us. That unfortunately encompasses the majority of our abilities. The random spot checks keep them honest, as well as video monitoring, and Military Police and medical personnel oversight.
8. Do your soldiers go under cover or use disguises to gather information?
I have some guys that are allowed to, but the majority of them have not. There are three levels of what is called Military Source Operations. Most of my soldiers are certified up to level II, which allows them to run sources on the ground, and to “go sterile” which means they walk around with no rank or nametape. About five of my soldiers have received extra training that allow the to conduct level III, which basically allows them to be a little more James Bond-like and go out disguised.
9. Are there American fast food restaurants off the base?
I very highly doubt it. Baghdad has been a horrible place to live for the past few years, and it is considered a huge victory that kids are back out in the street playing soccer. Maybe some day in the distance future, but there are still a lot of people around here that do not like American Forces in their country, and would not hesitate to destroy something like and American Fast Food restaurant the minute it went up.
10. Are there special operations units in Iraq?
There are quite a few, both Iraqi and American. They are the cool kids that run around on the base with the civilian clothes and the long hair. That is another organization that women cannot join in the traditional sense (they can at times be support personnel for these guys). They are separated into task forces that have a different targeting process than conventional forces, and operate pretty much autonomously throughout the battlespace.
11. Can soldiers drink alcohol or smoke on the base?
General Order #1 prohibits all consumption of alcohol. The Dining facility does provide “near beer” though, which is a drink that tastes like beer but that has no alcohol in it. The Brits however are allowed to drink, and have a bar right down the road on post. Smoking is not prohibited anywhere.
12. Are there curfews for soldiers there if you are off duty? Can you go off base in your free time? If you can, what entertainment is available?
Going off base is not something that anyone particularly wants to do, because it means that you will be going into neighborhoods that do not like you simply because you are an American and are in their country, and chances that you will get shot at are at times, pretty good. There are not any curfews, which is awesome, and there are a bunch of entertainment opportunities around the post. Tomorrow, Carlos Mencia will be at the PX!
13. How many pull ups can you do?
To be perfectly honest, I am completely and totally unable to do a pull up. I have never been able to, no matter how much I practice- so I just decide to kick everyone’s behind at pushups…haha
14. If you go off base, what type of gear do you have to wear and/or carry with you?
90lbs worth of body armor, helmet, weapon, ammunition, and water is the most basic stuff that you will go outside the wire with. Sometimes it feels like you’re a huge marshmallow.
15. What’s YOUR view of the war in Iraq? Do you like President Bush’s philosophies?
My view on the war in Iraq is that I’m here, and that while I am here I will do whatever I can do to make sure that the guys around me are able to come home, and that they have a few smiles along the way. Politics don’t really play into my reality all that much, because either way, I will still be here with my soldiers. Iraq is not a stable country. They are trying to stand on their own two feet, and return to a time when they don’t have to worry about getting caught in a fight every day, but it will take time.
16. Who do you think will win the 08 election? Do you think the US is ready for a female president? Who is your favorite candidate at this point?
I want to be the first female president- so no! And I am embarrassed to say that I couldn’t even tell you who is full fledged running anymore- the only station that is ever on the television in the gym is the sports channel, and most of the reading I do lately is on bad guys.
17. Which holiday traditions will you miss the most?
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
18. What is you least favorite part about being a soldier?
Property Accountability…completely and totally. It probably sounds like a really lame answer, and I will tell you that it is, but I hate it. That and physical fitness tests.
19. Can you speak any language other than English?
I am conversational in Spanish.
20. Have you been off base shopping yet?
No, and I think it will be a very long time before I ever do, if I ever do
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